Be vigilant against the "color ring" home Feng Shui seven kinds of color good and bad

Be vigilant against the "color ring" home Feng Shui seven kinds of color good and bad

All the dark blue in the home, a long time, the home will be invisible in the gloomy, all of a negative nature, the family also owes peace.

Many people paint purple at home, although it can be said that purple is full of room fragrance, but unfortunately the red series on behalf of the purple, invisibly produced a dazzling sense of color; easy to make people at home have a sense of helplessness.

The pink color in the home is the most fierce color, and the pink color makes people irritable, prone to quarrels, arguing between right and wrong, quarreling frequently; especially newly-married couples, in order to adjust the atmosphere in the eyes, it seems to be extremely Romantic, but, with the discordant tone, after some time, the two people's mood will produce inexplicable fire, easily quarreling with sesame trivia, and finally embarked on a divorce without a return, today's social divorce rate is so Astonishing, and this factor also accounts for a great deal, so designers should pay attention to it. It is better not to use this color. This color tone can also cause neuropathy.

Many people with lacquer green in their homes will also depress the will of the home. It is not what is commonly said. The eyes should be more green. In fact, green refers to the greenness of nature, not to human beings. Therefore, it will inevitably cause problems. The interior is dead and full of life.

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