Dead seedling rotten root pesticide control technology

The dead seedlings of crops are roughly divided into five categories: diseased dead seedlings, insect dead seedlings, phytotoxics dead seedlings, and roots of dead roots and dead roots. Before seeding, the seedbed and nutrient soil were not disinfected. After the seedlings were unearthed, they were not sprayed and sterilized in time, and the temperature and humidity management of the seedbed were improper, which made it easy for the seedlings to collapse and blight. There are four reasons for the rotten roots of crops: low temperature and low ground temperature; insufficient light; large humidity in the nursery bed; and the seedbed is not easy to ventilate, resulting in weak growth of the seedlings. To this end, the plant protection station expert group recommends: seed and seedbed soil disinfection, use 40% of the high-tech 38% cream, such as pyromycetin or high-tech carbendazim, nail cream, 30ml evenly spray or 50% per square meter 1.5 grams of fungus sprinkled on the surface into the soil, or 7 grams of 75% pentachloronitrobenzene have a good effect, and can cure both rickets and blight. At the time of onset, it can be sprayed or watered with 38% of the antibacterial pyruvate 800 times solution or the vast high-tech carbendazim and the methyl carbendazim 800 times solution; at the same time, the harm of underground pests and nematodes can be controlled.
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