Scientific fertilization for high-yield production against insect-resistant cotton

Scientifically applying the base fertilizer to the cotton has a long growth period. To obtain high yield, the base fertilizer must be applied reasonably. The base fertilizer should be based on farmyard manure, the farmer's fertilizer is full of nutrients, and the soil can be improved, and the nutrients needed for cotton can be continuously supplied. To change the current practice of not applying farmyard manure in most cotton fields, it is necessary to reach about 3,000 kg of farmer's fertilizer. Reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, from the current application of 25 kg of urea (or 50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate) to 12 kg of urea (or 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate), the reduction of per-calcium phosphate from 50 kg to 25 kg. Change the habit of not applying potassium fertilizer, and reach 10 to 15 kg of potassium chloride per mu. Combine the above fertilizers into the ground and apply 15 cm or less. In the Weifang area of ​​Shandong Province, the cotton base fertilizer test at 21 o'clock in two years has a significant effect on reducing nitrogen, phosphate fertilizer and potassium-increasing fertilizer: 50 kg of special fertilizer for cotton is used as base fertilizer (including N5.5 kg, P2O53 kg, K2O 4.5 kg). Compared with the habit of applying 25 kg of urea and 50 kg of superphosphate. Results Using cotton special fertilizer, the average number of bells was 0.81, the single boll weight was 0.28 g, the mu increased by 7.2 kg, the yield increased by 8.4%, and the mu increased by 86.9 yuan.

The seed coat of most insect-resistant cotton is thicker, the germination is slower, the seedling period is weaker, and the spring temperature is low, and the night frost often occurs, which seriously affects the growth of cotton seedlings. In order to promote the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to properly pick up the seedlings early, from the 4~5 leaf stage of non-resistant cotton to 3~4 leaves. 5-6 kg of urea is applied to the acre, and it is applied at a distance of 10 cm from the seedling and 10 cm deep. With fertilization, the soil is covered with soil to prevent fertilizer loss and damage to cotton seedlings. In the northern cotton area, the cotton seedling period is ten years and nine years dry, and the method of applying chemical fertilizer to the water hole is good.

Steady bud bud bud period is the transition from vegetative growth to vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and the fertilizer needs to increase significantly compared to the seedling stage. However, the temperature is higher at this time, the roots of cotton seedlings are more developed, and the absorption capacity is enhanced. If the application of nitrogen fertilizer is too much, it is prone to occur, causing the flower buds to fall off, so the bud fertilizer should be applied stably. Insect-resistant cotton is more and faster, and the flower buds are less shed. The buds need more fertilizer than non-insect-resistant cotton. If the fertilizer supply is insufficient, it will inhibit the growth of nutrition and affect the shelf production. At the beginning of the bud, the urea is applied 5~8 kg of urea, and it is applied 20 cm away from the seedling and 10 cm deep. The cover is tightly covered to prevent loss.

The re-application of flower-bells and flower-flowering period is the period in which the growth and development of cotton is the most vigorous and the most fertilizer is needed, and it is also the key period for determining the level of yield. Insect-resistant cotton flowering and ringing is fast and concentrated, and the amount of fertilizer needs to rise rapidly. The peak of fertilizer needs to be advanced. If fertilization can't keep up, it is easy to cause premature aging. However, the flowering and bolling period is in a hot and rainy season. If too much fertilization occurs once, it will easily cause the cotton to grow long, causing the buds to fall off a lot. Therefore, in order to meet the demand for continuous flowering and ringing of cotton plants, the flower bell fertilizer should be changed to the previous one, and the dosage should be increased more than the non-insect cotton. The experiment of cotton seed field in Pingdu City, Shandong Province, the effect of applying potassium fertilizer in the flowering and bolling period is remarkable. The initial flowering period is 12 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium sulfate, 20 kg more than the single chasing urea, the cotton plant does not prematurely decay, and the plant has more knots. 1.2, single bell weight increased by 0.1 grams, 7.3 kg of cotton increased by 7.3 kg, an increase of 6.1%. The first flower bell fertilizer should be applied at the initial flowering stage, and the urea should be 15~20 kg of urea and 6~10 kg of potash. In the end of July to the beginning of August, the second flower and bell fertilizer should be applied. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much, so as to prevent the late-ripening of the glutinous green. Generally, 5~7 kg of urea should be applied.

In the late stage, the root activity of the capped cotton plant was weakened, the absorption capacity was decreased, and the insect-resistant cotton was susceptible to red leaf stem blight. Timely application of topping fertilizer is an effective measure to increase early autumn peach and prevent premature aging. The topping fertilizer is sprayed on the foliar surface, which is simple and easy to perform and has a good effect. The author has been tested for many years: in the middle and late August, 50 kg of 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed per acre, once every 7 days, and spraying 3 times was not sprayed, and the number of single plant bells increased by 1.2. The weight of the bell is increased by 0.12 g, the yield is increased by 5.6%, and the mu is increased by 46 yuan. Spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, or 1% urea and 2% calcium superphosphate mixture, once a week, spray 2~3 times.

(Jia Dengsan, Senior Agronomist, Agricultural Bureau of Changyi City, Shandong Province)
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