Chengguan Township three measures to build up a safety net

In order to do a good job in the safety production of hazardous chemicals companies, Chengguan Township relied on grid management to build a safety net, and took measures to ensure a stable safety production situation in the hazardous chemicals industry.

Carefully organize and carry out safety inspections. The township held a work meeting for the inspection of dangerous chemicals companies. The meeting requested the grid chiefs to conduct inspections on dangerous chemicals companies in their respective grids, supervise and guide enterprises to raise awareness, and develop processes, equipment, personnel, management, and environment. Comprehensive and careful security investigation.

Strengthen education and deepen on-site safety training. The second and third grid leaders urge the enterprises in the grid to carry out daily safety education and training, and in accordance with different positions and types of work, highlight the relevant physical and chemical properties of dangerous goods, the key points for the safe operation of the job, the wearing of labor protection articles, and the handling of abnormal conditions. The education and training in accident emergency rescue and other aspects have effectively improved the employees' safety awareness and self-protection capabilities.

Strengthen measures and strictly manage safety facilities. We urge enterprises to strictly implement safety technical regulations and disciplines, improve safety warning signs on production sites, improve safety protection facilities, and implement safety precautions.

Up to now, the country has reached 5 rectification notices, discovered 16 potential safety hazards, rectified 9 sites, and rectified 7 deadlines.

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Colorful PMMA Fibre

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